giosg data security
giosg data security

Your data is secured at giosg

Data security forms an integral part of everything we do at giosg. GDPR compliancy, ISO 27001 certification, EU data storage, and our high security feature VAULT are crucial to our commitment to data protection and compliance.


giosg is GDPR compliant

We have taken a series of steps to ensure compliance for customer using our services. We are also keeping a close eye on any further guidance issued by the data protection authorities.


To add, we have years of experience working in high security industries, such as banking and healthcare. This has led us to develop high security features way ahead of GDPR, such as IP access controlling and chat messages encryption.

We are ISO 27001 certified

Our information security system complies with the requirements of the standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022.  We have applied for this certification and received it every year since 2018.


We want to make sure that our information security practices in the whole company matches the highest security standards.


Our VAULT offers an extra layer of security

Our VAULT is an additional security feature designed for customers in highly sensitive customer data industries like insurance, banking, finance, and healthcare.


VAULT includes AES data encryption, added-security password settings and IP address access control settings, which enable customers to control the locations from where the giosg services may be used by their employees. All customer data within VAULT is stored in the EU.

FAQ about security

Does giosg process personal data?


Yes. In order to provide online customer engagement services, some personal data will be included in the data that we process and store on our servers. This includes full IP addresses of visitors, the content of chat conversations as well as the information about the customer agent (name, title, profile picture etc). These data categories are listed fully in our terms of service as well as in our privacy policy. This data belongs to the customer and they can control it through their account.



Does giosg collect benchmark data?


Yes. In addition to storing customer data, our service collects anonymous use data for troubleshooting, profiling, statistics and our service improvements. This data is generic, does not connect or interface with any personal data and cannot be connected to any individual or customer data. The benchmark data collected is strictly limited to the following information: Operating system, Device, Browser type, Visited URLs/Referrer URL, and Timestamp.



Where is your Data stored?


All giosg data is stored on servers inside the EU. We never transfer any data out of the EU/EEA. Giosg rents servers from Hetzner Online, an ISO27001 certified data center located in Germany.



How is the security of your service ensured?


The GDPR requires for adequate technical and organisational measures to be taken to safeguard personal data. Our services ensure security by:


✔️ Always using TSL protection


✔️ Regular backups


✔️ Technical audits carried out twice a year

✔️ A named Data Security Officer


✔️ High internal confidentiality and privacy guidelines


✔️ Regular data protection training for our staff


Security questions?

If you have any questions about giosg's data security, please contact our customer support at

You can also find our full privacy policy below.