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4 Ways Interactive Forms Improve Conversion Rates

Written by Jade Ventoniemi | 15-Oct-2021 05:42:09

It's no secret, interactive forms are one of the best ways to increase your form field conversion rates. They allow you to get more information about your visitors and provide them with an engaging experience that makes it easier for them to sign up or buy. 

Interactive content produces 2x more conversions than static content, and with the right online form builder at your fingertips, it’s easier than ever to launch your own interactive form.

Plus, another bonus is that interactive forms also collect visitor data with clear consent in regulation with the impending privacy acts and disappearance of third-party cookies.

Still not convinced? Read on!

What is an interactive form?

An interactive form is a digital marketing tool that helps you capture more leads in an interactive and engaging way. Interactive forms allow users to submit their contact details via the form field.

In most cases, users will want to fill out interactive forms to either obtain a freebie, customer service, or some type of further information.

For you as a business, this means collecting valuable leads so that you can contact them at a later time with targeted offers, news, or tips.

What makes an interactive form interactive? Well, there are a few different attributes that can make a form interactive. Interactive forms can be a multi-step form that’s not static, it can be a quiz or survey, or it can have a video or interactive media for example. All of these variations encourage visitors to engage with your form and help you differentiate from your competitors.

Types of engaging interactive forms


Quizzes are another rising lead capture strategy. An interactive form quiz that leads users to submit their email is an easy way to pique users’ interest. 

The instant gratification and relatability that quizzes provide make users eager to see the results. A low barrier like an email is a great way to leverage this type of interaction form in your favour.

Widgets within forms

Another way to make your interactive form more engaging is by adding helpful widgets. Calculator widgets, like calculating a loan estimate, for example, is a widget that is useful to the customer. Once the user inputs their information in order to get an estimate, they are also submitting great lead qualification details.

How to build an interactive form?

If you want to add an interactive form to your website for the first time, it is best to find a no-code solution that you can implement without extensive tech knowledge.

For example, giosg has an online form builder where you can build an interactive form from templates or from scratch. 

All you have to do is customise the interactive form to your liking with the most compelling copy and brand colours, rearrange views as necessary, then copy and paste the interactive form link to your website.

How do interactive forms help increase your conversion rates?

1. Helps to engage visitors and collect first-party data

4 out of 5 marketers agree that interactive content is the key to engage users. Since we’re all aware of our shortening attention span as consumers, it’s important to catch the user’s attention with simple but interesting forms.

The average user spends less than 15 seconds on a webpage so it’s crucial that if you have an interactive form on your website, it’s either above the fold or pops up early within that 15-second window.

Interactive forms are your bridge to collect valuable first-party data. This is especially important with the nearing extinction of third party cookies. Now is the time to prioritize obtaining data within your own site and capturing the unique identifier of your visitor, i.e his email address.

To do this, you can use different types of engaging forms like the ones we mentioned earlier.

2. Scannable and easy to read

Instead of forcing a user to read a whole landing page before they find what they came there for, an interactive form gives them what they want quickly. 

It’s important for interactive forms to not squeeze too much information into a small space, also. White space and a clear call-to-action will make your form more inviting. 

Even better if your form can pop up and be minimized at will so that once the user scrolls, the option to interact with that form is still available.

3. Make long pages simple with multi-step forms

Multi-step forms are known to increase conversion rates in comparison to single-step forms. Although on the surface, you may think adding more views to the form fields is adding more work to the user instead of having all fields on 1 page, that’s not completely true.

Multi-step forms help make your long single-page form less intimidating. By splitting up the views of your form, you can increase the chance that a user at least fills out some of the form fields. 

Also, users are more likely to fill out a form if it appears to be simple and quick, unlike an overwhelming 12 form fields to fill out at once.

4. Allows for A/B testing to see which converts better

You don’t have to be in the dark when it comes to deciding if your interactive form is actually working or not. When you have the capability to line up two of your great form ideas to segmented users, you have the power to optimize your forms.

Having an interactive form on your website is a great start to capture leads, but what CTAs attract website visitors more? Are single step or multi-step forms collecting more lead information? Is this video on my form helping or hurting lead capture?

Convert more website visitors to leads with interactive forms

If you want to engage more website visitors and capture more leads, interactive forms will be your best friend.

Want to see how you can customize your own interactive form? Book a demo today and learn how you can attract more leads with interactive forms.